Thesis presentation report

Toulouse, July 4, 2003

(translation is as close as possible from the original french version)

MR. Olivier Poitou made a well-constructed presentation and argued well. His mind of synthesis and his easiness to the oral allowed him to show big educational qualities, that it was about the respect of the time that was granted to him, of the balance between parts of its presentation plan or the conviction that he showed while putting a particular accent on his personal contribution.

The approach that he proposed drove him to achieve a large number of experiences, often long and difficult to put in function, and he knew how to make an attractive presentation in spite of this difficulty. While clearly putting forward his plan of experimentation, he showed how the construction of this plan permitted him to obtain the synthesis that he presented.

Finally, answers that he made to questions of the jury's members, in particular about perspectives of his contribution, were applicable and lucid and permitted him to show his capacity of synthesis and listening once again.

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